Drop Down
یک منو بسیار زیبا
<!-- START OF Drop Down DHTML --> <!-- SUMMARY BRIEFS This DHTML script will create a drop down link box out of an ordinary link. VERY COOL!!!! The top portion of this script goes above the <BODY> tag. The second portion goes where you want the drop down link box to be. --> <style> <!-- #wrapper{ position:relative; height:30px } #wrapper2{ position:absolute } #coffeemenu03{ filter:revealTrans(Duration=1.5,Transition=12) visibility:hide } --> </style></HEAD> <BODY> <ilayer id="coffeemenu01" height=35px> <layer id="coffeemenu02" visibility=show> <span id="wrapper"> <span id="wrapper2" onClick="dropit2();event.cancelBubble=true;return false"> <font face="Verdana"><b><a href="notthisbrowser.html">Click Here To Navigate</a></b></font> </span> </span> </layer> </ilayer> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> var enableeffect=true var selection=new Array() selection[0]='<font face="ARIAL BLACK"><a href="http://www.webloger.5u.com">Order Our Stuff</a><br>' selection[1]='<a href="http://www.webloger.5u.com">Contact Us via E-mail</a><br>' selection[2]='<a href="http://www.webloger.5u.com">Help With Our Items</a><br>' selection[3]='<a href="http://www.webloger.5u.com">Products We Have</a><br>' selection[4]='<a href="http://www.webloger.5u.com">Services We Offer</a><br></font>' if (document.layers) document.coffeemenu01.document.coffeemenu02.visibility='show' function dropit2(){ if (document.all){ coffeemenu03.style.left=document.body.scrollLeft+event.clientX-event.offsetX coffeemenu03.style.top=document.body.scrollTop+event.clientY-event.offsetY+18 if (coffeemenu03.style.visibility=="hidden"){ if (enableeffect) coffeemenu03.filters.revealTrans.apply() coffeemenu03.style.visibility="visible" if (enableeffect) coffeemenu03.filters.revealTrans.play() } else{ hidemenu() } } } function dropit(e){ if (document.coffeemenu03.visibility=="hide") document.coffeemenu03.visibility="show" else document.coffeemenu03.visibility="hide" document.coffeemenu03.left=e.pageX-e.layerX document.coffeemenu03.top=e.pageY-e.layerY+19 return false } function hidemenu(){ if (enableeffect) coffeemenu03.filters.revealTrans.stop() coffeemenu03.style.visibility="hidden" } function hidemenu2(){ document.coffeemenu03.visibility="hide" } if (document.layers){ document.coffeemenu01.document.coffeemenu02.captureEvents(Event.CLICK) document.coffeemenu01.document.coffeemenu02.onclick=dropit } else if (document.all) document.body.onclick=hidemenu </script> <div id="coffeemenu03" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;layer-background-color:#C0C0C0;background-color:#C0C0C0;width:200;visibility:hidden;border:2px solid black;padding:0px"> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.all) coffeemenu03.style.padding='4px' for (i=0;i<selection.length;i++) document.write(selection[i]) </script> </div> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.layers){ document.coffeemenu03.captureEvents(Event.CLICK) document.coffeemenu03.onclick=hidemenu2 } </script> <!-- END OF Drop Down DHTML -->
Message Reader
نمایش متن به صورت افکت
<!-- START OF Message Reader DHTML --> <!-- SUMMARY BRIEFS This DHTML script will cycle through 4 different text links. You can adjust the text and links below to meet your webpage. IMPORTANT Make suer that this body tag is included in your webpage. It activates the Message Reader. --> <body onload="if (document.all||document.layers) {regenerate2();update()}"> <style> <!-- #msgline{ position:relative; layer-background-color:black; width:400; height:12; } #msgtext{ background-color:black; position:absolute; border: 1px solid black; width:400; height:12; } .msgtextfont{ font:bold 16px Arial; postition:absolute; left:5px; text-decoration:none; color:white; } .msgtextfont a{ color:white; text-decoration:none; } --> </style> <div id="msgline"> <div id="msgtext" class="msgtextfont">Starting Messages...</div> </div> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> var speed=4000 var news=new Array() news[0]="<a href='http://www.webloger.5u.com'>First line of text....</a>" news[1]="<a href='http://www.webloger.5u.com'>Second line of text....</a>" news[2]="<a href='http://www.webloger.5u.com'>Third line of text....</a>" news[3]="<a href='http://www.webloger.5u.com'>Add as many as you want....</a>" i=0 if (document.all) tickerobject=document.all.msgtext.style else tickerobject=document.msgline.document function regenerate(){ window.location.reload() } function regenerate2(){ if (document.layers) setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",450) } function update(){ BgFade(0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00,10); if (document.layers){ document.msgline.document.msgtext.document.write('<span class="msgtextfont">'+news[i]+'</span>') document.msgline.document.msgtext.document.close() } else document.all.msgtext.innerHTML=news[i] if (i<news.length-1) i++ else i=0 setTimeout("update()",speed) } function BgFade(red1, grn1, blu1, red2, grn2, blu2, steps) { sred = red1; sgrn = grn1; sblu = blu1; ered = red2; egrn = grn2; eblu = blu2; inc = steps; step = 0; MsgDither(); } function MsgDither() { var epct = step/inc; var spct = 1 - epct; if (document.layers) tickerobject.bgColor = Math.floor(sred * spct + ered * epct)*256*256 + Math.floor(sgrn * spct + egrn * epct)*256 + Math.floor(sblu * spct + eblu * epct); else tickerobject.backgroundColor= Math.floor(sred * spct + ered * epct)*256*256 + Math.floor(sgrn * spct + egrn * epct)*256 + Math.floor(sblu * spct + eblu * epct); if ( step < inc ) { setTimeout('MsgDither()',50); } step++; } </script> <!-- END OF Message Reader DHTML -->
صفحه قبل 1 2 3 4 5 ... 40 صفحه بعد
تبادل لینک هوشمند برای تبادل لینک ابتدا ما را با عنوان امام خامنه ای (همه چیز) و آدرس amirkazemi1.LXB.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.
آمار وب سایت:
بازدید امروز : 368 بازدید دیروز : 2 بازدید هفته : 409 بازدید ماه : 1676 بازدید کل : 264109 تعداد مطالب : 784 تعداد نظرات : 12 تعداد آنلاین : 1
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